Season 2 Starts Now!
Bittersweet as High Low Brow season 2 draws to a close. We laughed, we cried, we binged, and we loved. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you, High Low Brow and can not wait to hear you come Christain girl autumn.
Copaganda is the phenomenon best described as the narrative tv and movie have given law enforcement. Known as heroes, not corrupt…Here are the worst examples of copaganda in the last decade
Memes have come such a long way within the evolution of the internet. They have grown with those who have created them and have become a core part of the social age - but where did it all begin?
Astrology is something you can typically choose to take or leave. But let’s talk about why there are worse things to believe in or maybe why astrology may be right for you.
Pride month is something that deserves to be celebrated! But has this become a priority or an investment? First, let’s ask ourselves why companies have put a price tag on a rainbow.
Since when has posting photos of yourself feeling and looking good become the new target for insensitive comments or unrequited stares? Let's break down why the term thirst trap gives new meaning to your mirror selfie and why you shouldn’t care.
Let’s get real about fake accounts! Satire is what makes up half the internet - so why not embrace the hilariously fake and exceptional make of parody accounts across the internet?
Wrestling is a sport enjoyed by millions, coming from all kinds of communities - and predominantly within the LGBTQ+ community. So we counted down our top 8 favourite queer wrestlers to commemorate that, in and out of signed circuits.
Parasocial relationships aren’t a new concept, and they’re probably not ever going away. So, let’s talk about why parasocial relationships don’t have to be something you need to be ashamed of!
The Oscars are a pretty big deal…so big that every moment is captured, including the ones people wish weren’t. We counted down our top 10 cringiest Oscar moments - so you don’t have to!
Queer representation matters, but not all of it’s actually good. With that said, here are some actual good queer storylines we think everyone will enjoy!
Being a teenager sucked, but it would for sure suck a little less with my new-found knowledge that will now share with you.
Season 2 is finally here, and we’re so happy to have you back! Want to know a bit more about the voices behind the podcast?