Let’s get real about fake accounts
Parody accounts are the past, present and future of social media
Okay, can I share something with all of you? I love parody accounts. They're funny, smart, and something I could scroll through for hours without coming up for air. Parody accounts are in their own league for comedy on social media. It's not that they have one specific quality that makes them above all else or, rather - the crème de la crème of Internet comedy. Simply, the sheer ingredients of satire and imitation, usually done in an exaggerated way for comic effect, get ya hooked. It's like fandoms meet TMZ but in a much healthier way. Stick with me here! You and I both know that a red-carpet photo is just a red carpet photo that can appear in any glossy magazine. But throw a sassy caption including a funny roast and viola; I'm ready to eat that up just like brain candy!
So maybe I'll sit here and wax poetic about why I feel parody accounts are hilarious and why they should appear all over your Explore page.
1. They set a realistic standard!
Parody accounts have that funny way of giving us that reality check we didn't know we needed. Sometimes I get so conditioned by celebrities' Instagram accounts that I get thrown off when I see something that isn't a staged Pap photo. Obviously, seeing an air-brushed body isn't the best in terms of #naturalbodypositivity. Still, parody accounts can sometimes give us that slap in the face that we all need. It counteracts this mentality for me by being the voice of reason. That voice typically says, "you're not buying this shit, are ya?". NGL, I wish I had heard this voice more often; it would've saved me lots FOMO filled nights.
The Kar-Jenner’s being the most memeable famous family/via TMZ
2. They make celebrities more likable!
I'm not going to lie; I'm not sure if this is good or bad. But I'm adamant that parody accounts actually make the celebrity likable. It humanizes them in a weird feeling. I know they didn't write the caption or curate the photos/posts on the page. Still, I find parody accounts that are more examples of comedy and not entirely roasts work in the celebrity's favour. Kirby Jenner is an example of one of the Kardashians' many more infamous parody accounts. He calls himself Kendall Jenner's fraternal twin. Through his persona as Kirby, he creates hilarious Photoshops, adding himself into situations where Kendall has been. He also had edited himself to appear in episodes of KUWTK or media appearances alongside the family, making them all seem a bit less pretentious. This is something so simple yet so powerful. Using the celebrity's voice in their favour has wholly altered my perception of Kendall Jenner and the Kardashian family. That is until I remember to scroll through Kendall Jenner's actual account; sigh. Parody accounts humanized them, and honestly - I commend them for that.
Kirby putting in the work so Kendall doesn’t have to/via @kirbyjenner
3. Parodies themselves are essential!
I think the concept of a parody can be defined as someone who makes fun of the mainstream and indulges in the culture of what's popular. It mimics a subject and allows potential consumers to have their own thoughts or feelings by creating satire surrounding whatever they see fit in a safe space. In other words, I genuinely believe it's a form of expression to the funniest degree. There was once a point where parodies took over the Internet circa 2012, and IMO - it was a happier time for everybody. Back then, we would see parodies in the form of music videos - most notable and my childhood fav, The Key of Awesome, which was strictly a music video parody channel, reached peak popularity in 2012 and had young me on the edge of my seat every week awaiting a new parody (important to note this era sadly came to its bittersweet end in 2014, but they managed to create the best YouTube had to offer without being problematic). Now, creators have pivoted to platforms like Instagram or Twitter, where they can make and create several posts at a time. Think of a modern version of a spoof music video, but instead of catchy lyrics, you get a sassy caption! Will Tiktok be next? Guess only time will tell…
Just some of the many characters portrayed by The Key of Awesome/via The Key of Awesome