Our top 12 favourite queer coded storylines throughout pop culture history
From the good, the bad, and the ugly — we show why representation matters!
You may have noticed, but everyone from reality T.V. to your fave binge-worthy Netflix series is making attempts at trying to better showcase the full scope of the varied LGBTQ+ experiences on screen. While censorship may have reigned supreme in Hollywood throughout the 1930s and '40s (cough, the religiously-motivated Production Code, a.k.a. the Hays Code, cough)—now representation in the media is slowly improving. While the progress is excellent—let's give two claps for society—it can often be misguided. So while I have your undivided attention, let's focus on the positives and talk about some of the staple queer characters who paved the way for many. Not only did they become inspirations for the queer community (and beyond), but they also became some of our most beloved comfort characters on and off-screen, as they provided us accurate and compelling forms of queer representation via complex storylines.
Here are some of my favourite queer storylines in pop culture history:
Robin on Stranger Things
Although only introduced in the most recent season, Robin quickly became a fan favourite. She works a summer job throughout the season and goes on quite the adventure with Hawkin's heartthrob Steve Harrington. The storyline made you believe they were written in the stars until Robin shuts that theory down with trepidation. But, of course, Steve understood her fear, creating a very heartwarming scene on a public washroom floor. We stan!
Maya Hawk as Robin/Netflix
Santana on Glee
Santana was Glee's spunky cheerleader character who, for the entirety of 2 seasons, she concealed her sexuality in fear of being an outcast. Still, after being shown love and acceptance by her peers, Santana decided it was time to come out to her grandmother, who was unhappy about this. Santana's coming-out story mirrors so many of our own complicated family dynamics that can sometimes be very upsetting to queer folks. But in the end, she grew to accept herself; she finally understood that family was something that you could 100% choose on your own! Chosen family, ftw!
Naya Rivera as Santana/Fox
Eric on Sex Education
Eric Effiong, played by actor Ncuti Gatwa didn't exactly fly under the radar on Sex Education. But, as the loud, colourful best friend to Otis Milburn, he has shown us navigating his queerness in a joyful yet somber and nuanced way in a traditional Nigerian home. Even after being Bullied for being flamboyant, Eric made an effort to be seen as only one out of the two "out" kids in school. Eric even encourages Otis to break out the norm daily by giving him fashion advice, pushing him to do things out of his comfort zone, and helping Otis understand that being normal is boring. Eric provides so much comfort as he goes through hell and back relating to his identity in multiples episodes throughout each season, yet manages to provide a haven in himself by staying true to who he is
Ncuti Gatwa as Eric (Pictured on the left)/Netflix
David on Schitt's Creek
Schitt's Creek stunned viewers when Dan Levy's flamboyant character David started banging ladies—specifically his best friend, Stevie. After their romantic encounter, even Stevie felt confused by the encounter sharing with David; she had always assumed he was gay. This moment was such a teachable moment for all, as it provided David the opportunity to explain his sexuality to Stevie and discuss wine —naturally, of course. He compared his sexuality to wine, sharing, "I like the wine and not the label." And wow, we had never heard something so simple yet effective for those who identify as pan and fluid before.
Dan Levy as David/Netflix
Ryan on Special
Special is an autobiographical show about a gay writer with C.P. (Cerebral Palsy). Following Ryan through his career, he attempted to create a new identity for himself, to be not so definitively known for being the gay guy with cerebral palsy. This show represented the queer disabled community. While still giving insight into the tribulations that come with being out of society's norm. P.S. I'm still distraught that Netflix cancelled this.
Ryan O'Connell as Ryan/Netflix
Clare on Derry Girls
Following the lives of young adolescents in high school makes for pretty good viewing, especially when they have to deal with awkward growing pains. This becomes especially difficult for Clare as an anonymous writing contest is posted in school, and she uses the opportunity to come out. However, after her friends find out she is the person behind the piece, expecting warmth and praise, she is met with a bit of hesitation by her fellow peers. After coming to terms with her sexuality, she is not apologetic, and her friends understand that she deserves to be proud of who she is (even sporting rainbow pins in season 2).
Nicola Coughlan as Clare/Netflix
Holt on Brooklyn 99
Holt is an example of casual queer representation. A male POC, not so stereotypically fitting into the box of homosexuality, then giving a 'so what if I'm gay' attitude, met with a very intimidating stature, was the unconventional approach to queer on tv. This does not mean bad, but I appreciated that he was represented as a person and given storylines not always relating to his sexuality. BONUS: we got another queer storyline in season 5 when fellow officer Rosa comes out.
Andre Braugher as Holt/NBC
Elena on One Day at a Time
After Elena gets a boyfriend, her world starts to fall apart. Which I mean, tracks—right? But all jokes aside, Elena is a strong-willed young woman, and everyone around her assumes she's just an independent person who does better on their own. Until Elena hits her breaking point and begins to express some of her true feelings around dating and relationships to her mother. Answer: they don't involve men! Her mother is the icon, and legend shows Elena the love and support she needs. No, I'm not crying; you are!
Isabella Gomez as Elena/Netflix
Mickey on Shameless
Mickey's story is a heartbreaking one with tales of internalized homophobia. After secretly sneaking around with neighbour Ian, Mickey's father finds out about their rendezvous, resulting in violence. After years of suppression, Mickey realizes his sneaking around affects Ian, so as Ian decides he's done, Mickey decides that he's holding in his secret. Of course, this was still met with violence and anger, but Mickey proudly wore his black eye the next day.
Noel Fisher as Mickey/Showtime
Sophia on Orange Is the New Black
Sophia Burst was indeed a force to be reckoned with. But, in an already corrupt prison industrial complex, place a black trans woman in the mix; there is bound to be unfair mistreatment. From losing her job, forming a strained relationship with her wife and son, and being found guilty of credit card fraud, all to forgo gender confirmation surgery displayed how fundamental her identity is to her. She defined resilience while taking her time to stay true to herself. While not everyone can understand or appreciate why she remained adamant that she was given the same shitty treatment as the other inmates, she fought for equality. Plus, she made sure the guards used her correct pronouns. Hell ya!
Laverne Cox as Sophia/Netflix
Ruby and Sapphire on Steven Universe
Steven Universe was initially targeted as a children's cartoon surrounded by an almost superhero-like team of magical non-binary beings (as described by creator Rebecca Sugar, the first non-binary person to create a series for Cartoon Network) - The Crystal Gems. Ruby and Sapphire, two halves of a whole gem, Garnet, was made to display their love for one another. Their love so celebrated and pure made this relationship a cult favourite in the Steven Universe queer fanbase. Although there are many queer representations through the series, Ruby and Sapphires made history by incorporating the first same-sex wedding on Cartoon Network. This alone raised the average viewer age around 22 (youngest being 10, oldest being 50!), making it a queer cartoon loved by all ages.
Erica Luttrell voiced Sapphire (left) Charlyne Yi voiced Ruby (right)/Cartoon Network
Blanca Rodriguez-Evangelista on Pose
POC trans rights activist, singer, songwriter, and actress MJ Rodriguez starred as Blanca Rodriguez-Evangelista in the Emmy-winning drama series Pose, set in New York in the 80s. When AIDS was a raging epidemic, queer homelessness was high, and the word "gay" was deemed the biggest insult. Blanca takes on the role of house mother by forming the House of Evangelista—providing care, nourishment, and a family to those who have been rejected by their own. The House of Evangelista includes Damon, a queer dancer who begins to compete in ballroom pageants and attend the New School for Dance on Blanca's encouragement. Blanca also takes in sex-worker Angel and homeless youth Papi, and she provides them all new life and a safe space to express themselves freely. Pose provides the in-depth storylines to being a queer POC, especially in times of 'uncertainty' (New York in the '80s).
Mj Rodriguez as Blanca Rodriguez-Evangelista/FX
I've learned from T.V. that no one's life, relationships, bond, or coming-out story look the same. There is also no 'right' time to come out or provide an explanation for your life. Nor do you ever have to. You owe this to no one. You deserve love and acceptance, so surround yourself with those who know will give that to you, and if this wasn't the case, be the person you needed.