Season 3, E15: Dissecting Pop Culture's Treatment of Women with Editor & Author Lisa Whittington-Hill
We are chuffed to welcome our guest, Lisa Whittington Hill, publisher of This Magazine and author of the new book, 'Girls, Interrupted: How Pop Culture Is Failing Women,' into today's chat! Lisa offers her expert insights on how pop culture has been failing women is this eye-opening discussion.
Episode 06: Toxic Celeb Culture with Stacy Lee Kong
Off the top, Ama & Danita share another hopeful #FreeBritney update before taste testing Paris Hilton's new Netflix show, Cooking With Paris.
Then, Ama is joined by Stacy Lee Kong, writer, editor, cultural critic, and founder of Friday Things to examine our complicity in the media's victimization and villainization of young female celebrities in the 90s and early 00s.