Episode 01: The Episode About Homophobia in the Housewives World


Off the top, Ama & Danita share their psychoanalysis of the Richards sisters and the possible dark side of Kathy Hilton. They also dive into a certain New York Times piece that had Twitter (rightfully) in a tizzy this week.

Then, from RHONY's Wedding March for Equality to RHOC cast reactions to Braunwyn coming out, the Real Housewives have a long history of ugly homophobia. So how and why do Bravo's legions of queer fans continue to reconcile their love of all things Bravo? We're joined by Trash Box co-hosts and comedians and best friends Emily Richardson & Marshall Lorenzo to talk about camp, hagsploitation, justice for sex-positive goth queen Carlton, and accessorizing gay men.

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Further Reading

We have decided to take a different approach to our podcast's Ko-Fi. We want to raise funds not just for ourselves, but for others.

Since this month is Pride, we have decided to raise funds for the LGBT Youth Line. This youth-led organization helps provide support and affirms the experiences of Queer, Trans, Two-Spirit youth (29 and under) across Ontario.  To find out more about the work they do, visit: 

We will be donating 75% of the total amount raised to charity!

Click here for the full episode transcript.


Episode 02: Separating Drag from Drag Race