Thank you, High Low Brow
All good things must come to an end, or come back for another amazing season
High Low Brow, you have genuinely been the best friend we all needed. You could say that through our truly Unibrows (aka co-hosts Ama and Ameema), we could navigate some often hard conversations and laugh about all in a safe place usually plagued by white middle-class men. I don't know about you, but High Low Brow often felt like that older sibling who makes you question your beliefs in the best way possible, and I know that I am biased — I write for their dang blog. But honestly, I don't know how we will say goodbye to the bi-weekly banter or laughs that have felt like a warm hug month after month. And although I know we will be back for another highly anticipated season, I thought it would be fitting to pay homage to the love and community that y'all have created for each and every single one of your High Low Brow fans.
Throughout writing for this podcast, I have learned to be unapologetically myself. Whether this is through writing about topics, I am passionate about or even just listening to the podcast and becoming inspired by the sheer humility displayed by everyone on the show. I remember at some point during this season, and I had a small revelation. I was sitting in my room, listening to the latest episode and thinking, "Oh my god, wait — there are other people out here that think like this too? Just like me?!" There is no greater pleasure than seeing, hearing, and knowing you won't feel judged. Although I personally never added anything to the episodes, I still felt deeply connected and a part of each and every single episode. And that's what matters.
Every week was something new, and I would get excited to look into a brand new topic to write about. The diversity of the topics covered all basses as well. Never to be reiterated or overdone. From parasocial relationships to queer wrestlers — the show had it all, and now I can't shut up about it! Although there were some topics I had never heard about, they were never a point of disinterest. And they were never just pop culture but real-world issues and how/why you should care. Although I have found that I quote TikTok way more than usual, I'm convinced there's a correlation.
High Low Brow, thank you for the smiles at 3am, the spurts of laughter that hurt my tummy or leaving me with the feeling that I could take over the world. This experience has not only made me feel a part of something special but has given me this absolute boost of confidence I didn't necessarily carry with me before. On behalf of past and present, Olivia wanted to say how much we will miss this while the summer months are slowly drifting away, but we are so excited to be back come fall, just in time for Christian girl autumn.